Saturday, October 3, 2009

just chillin'

hello my chicks,
where to start! Went out last night...don't get too excited...just one of my bff's to help clean out her attic, (I am such a wild chick, can't you tell!!!) so her hubby can start working on her "craft area". He is like this really crafty woodworker dude, and really quite good. I was amazed how great his bunk beds for the kids turned out, Harry Potters wand, and some other broom looking thing. And lots of other cool stuff. I have never seen a Harry Potter, so not really sure about the whole broom/ and wand thing. So, just acted like I knew what she was talking about....Ha Ha!!
I really had to do some smooth talkin' to be able to get out, even though I really wish I didn't have to hear a bunch of SHIT when I got in. It really ruined my evening! I am a(n) *!}^~ adult! I do deserve to get to leave my house, and leave angel girl here, especially if I seldom ever get a break!!!I really think it sucks that my relationship is in this valley. Peaks and valleys, peaks and valleys..... you know.
Both of my bff's have these absolutely blissfully sickening-sweet, lovey-dovey relationships......and I really think that should be what all marraiges could be/ have that too! but there is this dude named bud that someone I know would rather have, and he rules the entire house. Kinda sucks shit. ok........we all know it is really no secret any longer......I refuse to harbor his sickness any longer. My life revolves around my angel girl now.......and that is what is important to me. So anyhoo.......sorry to write a book..........just sitting here doing some thinking about my life, and how much of a dissapointment I am to myself.
I really am so happy that my girls, (you know who you are) have wonderful marraiges, I do believe it can happen.....rock on my sistas!! You guys rock!changing the subject, as my Amber calls it, "deflecting". I am learning how to do that quite well now!

My little brother and his girlfriend are coming into town for the weekend tomorrow, and I can't wait to see them!!! They are just so freakin' cute together! I really just love his girlfriend Sara....she is really good for him. He is such a great young man, so proud of him. I really got lucky with all of my sisters-in-laws.....they are great! Note to self: Need to spend more time with them while I can. Life is too short.
nite sistas! trying to think happy thoughts, and get my few hours of sleep for the night.

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