Wednesday, February 17, 2010

snow???? IN CHARLESTON SC?? NO WAY!!!!---way!!!

This is my back yard, and yes this is snow, in case there are some of ya'll that have never seen this white powder-y stuff.

This is the front yard, look how beautiful this is!!!
ok, I know...2 posts in one night....had to do this before I went to bed.
we really got snow! My parents aren't the only ones that get it! We just got such a huge surprise this year. Although I didn't get to play in it with Z, she got to play in it with a couple of fun kids and thier great Mommy that was watching her while I worked that day. Thanks Jeni, Dylan and Noah!

Eat your heart out, cause we sure got about 7 inches. of snow. yup. we did. party on Garth. party on Wayne.

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