Friday, September 18, 2009

ziploc baggies and babies

hello my loyal I must share the cutest little story with you. It will be short, goes.
I have had this little ziploc theif in my home for about oh....let's just say...about 5 months now......and I have been really going through some ziploc baggies. I was not sure if something (someone) is eating them, or they are just being eaten by the air. So, I am going about my business today, just picking up, straightening up and cleaning up after a certain little person.....and low and behold!! I pull out the drawer the Zoie plays in, and viola!!!! guess where my plastic baggies were???!!! you guessed it! But now I am moving all plastic baggies, cause I really think that could be a potential hazard for that little bag theif.
She is so dang cute!! this is the pic of the bag theif and her best friend, they played hard today, so they are exhausted, and chillin' out!
check out the Blankie that Gramma Gloria made for ZoZo, she loves it and is teething those last four teeth right now I imagine, she chews and chews and chews on it.


Yvonne said...

SHE"S SO STINKIN CUTE!!!!!!! I just can't believe that Sammy lets her lay on him like that!!! Love me some Zozo

Anonymous said...

Awww!!! How incredibly cute! Makes me just want to poke her in the eye!!

I love the title, by the way.....very funny and catchy!

Sammy is such a good sport!! Gotta just love the two of them together!