Sunday, January 10, 2010

just gorgeous!!

so I am sitting here with my little computer that I so dearly love in front of me. Yes, this is the one that my sister-in-law gave me last year (thank God, cause my other Vaio has crashed!!) ......she is technically not my SIL, but I claim her as my SIL. Our family just loves her! I thank her everyday that I get on this thing and let my fingers do some walking:)
I was just typing away at my computer and John looks up from making dinner and says "wow! U really got bit by something, and your top lit is as big as my finger now! I told him I thought I felt "that feeling" just a few seconds ago..... "That feeling" that I am describing is a really strange weirdness that goes over my body when I am bitten or stung by anything that has a little "venom" in it. It just makes me feel weird, and gives me the chills. I am just so freakishly blessed that way!! It will hopefully be gone by tomorrow - I have hair cuts to do! I will try to dig up a nice pic for you to see how my parents' wedding pic was with me getting stung by a bee right near my eyeball on thier wedding day, real nice, I tell ya!! My Mom always laughs now about that pic because I looked like a normal 4 year old girl with a gigantic blown up face!!!! good times I tell ya!!! Gotta love old pics!!!
I will try to dig that one up just for a laugh!!!!!

(had to post just to give Terry something new to read, now that she is back from the Stampin' Up convention!!--love ya girl!!)


Unknown said...

Ha!ha! love you too!!!!

Terry said...

Ha! Ha! Love you too!!!

Sarah said...

Hey Sis! :) I love you too! And I'm super happy that you love your computer!