Saturday, September 12, 2009

woot woot!! hmmmmm

so.....I am starting to work every possible weekend at the new ab fab scrapbook store, formerly The Pink House--Charleston Scrapbooking that I possibly can, and today was one of the days. Daddy gets Zoie duty and Mommy gets to get out the house and make some moolah.....:)
Got there, the doors opened precisely at 10:00 and wham!! From that moment on.....we were busy answering questions, ringing up sales, and just running our mouths! They (we) are doing great!! I am soooo happy to be there, especially because I want them to do great, but also because I need a JOB! I would love to sit and play with some of the new products, time for that, and lguess what? no time to do that! Isn't that just great! So excited for them! I get to help out, and make some green stuff.
ok....let's hear a "woot woot"!!

so moving on.

ok, so let's talk about the economy some. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON???!!!! I need to get back to feeling like there is a bottom to all of this bad crap! I am just disgusted with all the talk about people losing their homes! (And we may be next)....and Jobs! what about there being nothing out there....and if there have to have a freakin' master's degree to make 14.00 an hour?????? This is crazy! I really want to wake up and pretend this is all a very sick, cruel joke.
Ok, I will get off my soapbox....and let you get back to reading sweet things that I usually post. Just thought I would share a bit.

sweet dreams my peeps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you and for Charleston Scrapbooking!! I get to come and se eyou and the store tomorrow for the card swap - so YIPPEE!!

The economy SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS!! I hate it, but forgive you for being on your soapbox. Not everything can be peaches and cream!! I stay on my soapbox 50% of te time, so I don't mind someone coming and joining me every so often!!