Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mickey Ears, Mickey key chain

I know, I haven't seen a blog from me in like over a month now.

I know, I know, I suck as a blogger! Busy, busy and just plain busy!

I have now gotten myself one of those J.O.B. things......after all the resume's I have put in, and all the hours and hours and hours and hours of searching on the computer, I finally got an interview! I really didn't want to cut hair again, and was hoping for an office type job-but you know.....I must take whomever comes first!

I went in for the interview on Friday and low and behold-I had to do a haircut for them so they could make sure I can hold a comb (haha!) and then they got busy so I just kept on cutting......and at the end of the day they said I was hired! yeah!

It seems like a busy shop, and the peeps seem decently cool.

Moving on to fun stuff---I had to post this pic of Z- Amber and Karla went to California for the scrapbook Convention and brought Z some fun stuff back.

Her first Mickey Ears!!!!! I can't wait till we get to wear these when we go the first time!!!

Thanks Auntie Amber and Gma Karla!!! I love it!!!


Anonymous said...

I love love love the ear picture!! I cannot wait to scrapbook it!!

I am also super thrilled about the J-O-B!! I knew you would find one, girl!

Brandy Jo Petersen said...

are you S.U.P.E.R. serial???!!!!????? ha ha!!!!