Friday, November 6, 2009

hay ride woohoooooo!

this was soooo much fun!! I am finally getting the chance to post to my blog, after a kinda busy week. We were invited to go on this neighborhood hayride over in Westcott Plantation with our friends Robbie and Denise. We were going to just go take Z around to some friends-"mainly my girls", and trick or treat.....but I thought it would be a good idea to let her experience her first "official" Halloween with other little kids, since the girls would be busy handing out their candy. There were probably about 20 kids that went, and we just had the best time! We had the IPOD and BOSE kickin' it all throughout the ride! We really rocked! The kids were having such a great time, getting the candy, dancing and just being kids! I just had the best time watching them and John and I took turns taking Z up to the houses to get her candy.....I think even he had a "smidgge" of fun!!!! Our friend Denise has a twin sister named Carla, and she was fun, with her "little" boys. I say little, but wow! the 2 year old was huge for only being two! They couldn't believe Z is only 18 mo.!! Fun, Fun and more fun!! even if Z wouldn't wear her Chocolate, chocolate chip cookie costume that I made her--you better believe that in the future I will acclamate her to her Halloween costume a few days PRIOR to the big night, I don't want her to fight me on the costume. Big lesson learned in parenting. I am sure there are going to be many, many more thing that she will teach me :) I am having a prob. with posting my pics to this post for some I will try to fix that and post pics later, gotta go feed a hungry girl now!

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