Monday, August 31, 2009

waiting and blogging

Doesn't it seem like when you are waiting for someone or something to happen it takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r! I am sitting up here in what I call "my heaven on earth" space, (of course it is my craft room!) and waiting for my cousin, his wife and their son Free to come in from Virginia. He texted me to ask if they can come "land" at our pad. UMM, let me think.........of course!! They won't be here until about 10-11-ish tonight. They are moonlighting, obvioulsy! They are just coming in for the night I believe, and leaving tomorrow. Cool! I haven't seen them since my Grandmother's funeral a couple of years ago. It will be nice to see them all.
I really wish I had at least 1 family member that lived here in Charleston. It would be nice to have someone to turn to and run off to their house to "hide" if I needed to when John is an ass.
I miss my family, and the older I get I really really really miss my family. It seems I remember my parents telling me that is what will happen. Amazing how they were always right!!! My cousin that is heading in tonight, he is my father's brothers son.
Our fathers' are brothers. Did ya get that?! hehe!

well, my Zoie is snoozing, and I am watching the Country Music Festival....and they just said that Jamie Johnson is going to be performing tonight, rock on! I am soooo diggin' him. Lovin' me some of his tunes. Don't have the coins to buy his latest CD...or else I would so snag it. I bet it rocks!!
John left about an hour ago to go meet the concrete dudes at a job he is working on. He has never really left at this time of night to go do a job.....he left at 8:00 tonight. He is really stressed about this whole economy business......and he has me stressed the hell out as well.
I really really really need to go back to school and finish my degree. I cannot be in this same situation for the rest of my just sucks.
This is why I am so thankful for my little piece of heaven on earth.
My craft room is what I need for my therapy. Good night all, I am going to do some creating now. Gotta make sum-thin'!!!!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

This pic of Vonney and I....we were just acting stupid......comes naturally!..... and yes that is Amber in the window....she was so funny! getting ready to hit the hay. Long day.
Been trying to get caught-up since getting back from Charlotte-Raleigh trip. I had a good time. A few pranks pulled on my gurlz...(one was an awesomly [don't really know if that is a true word or not....but....] stinky prank.....known as a "fart bomb" that I just had to pull on them.....and of course blamed it on each of them individually....just toooo freakin' funny! Did you know a baby ruth mini candy bar looks like a true turd???!!! GoOd tiMes!!!)
Came home to a messy, disallusioned house, as well as a disallusioned husband. ;0) My sweet angel girl just giggled and hugged me. I love it!!!! Today I scrubbed the tile kitchen floor (with a toothbrush!!%$#**^$@!) in hopes of getting a resemblance of clean grout lines....after years of build-up. UGH! I cringe when Zoie picks something up off this filty floor and sticks it in her mouth, and I can tell ya, it happens a bit too often for me!
I hope to start the process of trying to organize my vast collection of stamps tomorrow while John goes and does a guy thing.....I just love them!! I really use them often, and am absolutely obsessed with all aspects of rubber stamping, scrapbooking and making cards when time allows now.
There will hopefully come a day when I get everything organized in my "craft room", as it does make crafting more efficient. Got to have order in everything in my life..... :0) I really need to see a shrink!!!

this was supposed to be a very short over and out for now!
peace out!!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Good moring all! My Zo Zo is sleeping peacefully, so had a few minutes to kill before jumping in the shower, starting my hectic day.

Glad to see that my "gurlzzzz" made it to Charlotte ok. Rock on sistas! Can't wait to see ya'll Saturday!! I'm a comin' toooooo! Don't have fun without me! No just kiddin'!

OK, so here it is in a nutshell. Court was absolutely useless for the Pre-lim........just as the CW told me. No relinquishment. Next is the other person's - in Sept.

well, I guess you know about my master plan? right? Z and I will have to become "ethiopian" you think we will "blend in" with their color/culture?

Well, about the only positive thing that could possibly come from us moving to Ethiopia would be........ummmmm......I will finally WIN that weight loss challenge that we have going on!!! HeHe!

I really think it's going to get expensive for my gurlzzzzzzzz to come see us in Ethiopia.......I hear it's a long flight as well:o)

gotta run!

PS: If you are reading this, ...........and ...........and you haven't seen us in awhile....we are not in Ethiopia............this is all a joke, you never really saw this post. (Do you think I would post where we are secretly going?)...........hmmmm............

{Legal Disclaimer}

Monday, August 10, 2009

trying to get to bed early tonight....

ok, so I just checked on angel girl....... again.......for the fourth time tonight. She now sleeps in her own bed, in her OWN room. Finally! She needed to be getting more sleep than she was getting...................She is sleeping just like a a little tiny angel sleeps. I told my friend (Amber) about checking on her for the first couple hours when she goes down ...and I found out I am obsessed with making sure she is still breathing, not tangeld up and just overall peaceful.

I have this thing about worrying about her. Have had it since the moment I got her. I am trying to get better about this......Does the worry ever end?

Is this just part of being a parent? I think I am just so worried that I won't be able to help her if she needs me in the middle of the night and I can't hear/see her. I have the monitor set to the highest setting (even if John snores like a freight train I can hopefully still hear her). (2 monitors, actually, in case one fails) paranoia will destroy-ya..........:o)

I got nothing accomplished today except for taking angel girl to get her blood drawn for her allergy testing to be done. She is highly allergic to something....we are not sure if it is something she is eating, or what.

We should have results back within a week.

Well, going to peace out for now..........

this is something I made for a special someone.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

my sweet angel girl

ok, so now you know who my favorite subject to photograph is these days.....I must post these to show you.

I cannot believe she is just soooooooo freakin' cute! We had the best weekend together playing! Friday we went to the pool at our clubshouse, Saturday we went to the park, Sunday we sorta had a fun play day at home. She is just so much fun! I love to roll around on the floor just playing dress-up, or pretending I am a puppy (like her "brother Sammy"!). It is just fun, and I love spending the day with this angel. I am just so blessed to have her in my life. She makes me get through some days. I even got a little scrappin' in when she was down for her naps. Yeah me! So, countdown for Charlotte begins!!!! I get to have my BFF's all to myself!!LOL! luvs my gurlz!

on a different note, please say a little prayer that the Prelim for Z's birth father goes smooth......and he agrees to just let us adopt her. I still think there is something going on with he and Kim (my sister). The prelim if set for Tuesday the 11th .

Peace out for tonight...........chow:o)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

late night, and still lots to do

hello you all!!! hope everybody had a great day......mine was ok, just waitin' till next Saturday morning and counting down the days! We leave for the Charlotte John calls it, "The Nerd Convention!" that's ok..... I know I am a scrapbooking/crafting nerd! Absolutely no denying that. I just get totally lost in my designing, and everything involved with it. I just go to a happy place in my little mind, and just only think about happy things! :o) Amber and Vonny are going to leave Wednesday, and I will just meet them in Charlotte on Sat. but anyhoooo!!!

woooooohooooooooooo!! I am soooooooooooo excited! Amber and I went last year for the whole thing, but I can't do it this year, since I now have my ZoZo!!! I still get to play a little though :o)

Zoie had her 15 month old checkup on Monday, the dr. says she is doing great, she has gained another pound....she now weighs 21 lbs and 5 oz. and is 30 in. tall. She is getting soooooo big!!

She has had a bit of a growing spurt here lately.......and outgrowing everything! She is just into everything also!!! My house is just a wreck these days, but I really don't mind.

well, got lashes to do early in the farewell till the next post :o)

PS- saw this bumper sticker on a car downtown a bit ago....thought it was funny! enjoy! I am guilty!!! but now at least I have a bluetooth!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

still pooped!

ok, so now after getting up at 4:30 in the AM hour this morning, heading to Amber's house to set up for a yardsale that we were having along with the neighborhood(Irongate) yardsale, dealing with the freakin' haggling hags over something being marked 4.00 and being asked if we would take 1.00. I am finally home!!!

But not before we busted our butts, lugged stuff here and there, to make it look just right, and not before trying to stop a car that had no driver in it.........and seeing an elderly lady nearly put herself in front of her moving vehicle with no driver......the car T-boning one of the cars at our yard sale (glad it wasn't mine though.....thank you God!) finally made it home in one piece. I just almost closed the back door behind me, and my husband has to leave. He did tell me Zoie was down for a nap....I am thinking oh yeah...I am getting a quick nap......I get all cozy on the couch and start to get comfy and I think, this is nice!!

Not even 2 minutes after I get comfortable, I hear this little wimper of a cry, and I think, oh crap! Zoie is awake, I have to go get her. So much for my little dream of getting a nap.
Maybe tomorrow. Maybe not.

off to dream about how nice it would be to have a nice nap,
thoughts of a nice nap.

Yeah !! convention here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait!! wooooohooooooooo!

I am freakin' pooped!