Monday, August 31, 2009

waiting and blogging

Doesn't it seem like when you are waiting for someone or something to happen it takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r! I am sitting up here in what I call "my heaven on earth" space, (of course it is my craft room!) and waiting for my cousin, his wife and their son Free to come in from Virginia. He texted me to ask if they can come "land" at our pad. UMM, let me think.........of course!! They won't be here until about 10-11-ish tonight. They are moonlighting, obvioulsy! They are just coming in for the night I believe, and leaving tomorrow. Cool! I haven't seen them since my Grandmother's funeral a couple of years ago. It will be nice to see them all.
I really wish I had at least 1 family member that lived here in Charleston. It would be nice to have someone to turn to and run off to their house to "hide" if I needed to when John is an ass.
I miss my family, and the older I get I really really really miss my family. It seems I remember my parents telling me that is what will happen. Amazing how they were always right!!! My cousin that is heading in tonight, he is my father's brothers son.
Our fathers' are brothers. Did ya get that?! hehe!

well, my Zoie is snoozing, and I am watching the Country Music Festival....and they just said that Jamie Johnson is going to be performing tonight, rock on! I am soooo diggin' him. Lovin' me some of his tunes. Don't have the coins to buy his latest CD...or else I would so snag it. I bet it rocks!!
John left about an hour ago to go meet the concrete dudes at a job he is working on. He has never really left at this time of night to go do a job.....he left at 8:00 tonight. He is really stressed about this whole economy business......and he has me stressed the hell out as well.
I really really really need to go back to school and finish my degree. I cannot be in this same situation for the rest of my just sucks.
This is why I am so thankful for my little piece of heaven on earth.
My craft room is what I need for my therapy. Good night all, I am going to do some creating now. Gotta make sum-thin'!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

You know whenever John is being an can always run here!

I hope your family made it in well and yall have fun for the tiny amount of time they are here.

Talk to yo later this week.

Yvonne said...

You can always run here too!!! Hope you enjoyed your family today!!!! xoxo

Brandy Jo Petersen said...

I sure do luvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv my girls!!! I miss you guys already!!!