Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!!!!

It is so amazing how kids love boxes more than the gifts that come in them! Auntie Sarah and Zoie had the best fun with this box. Mom got some great shots of them!
We woke up this morning, smelling something great downstairs.......(we are still at my brothers with my family) and Mom and Sarah had already gotten up and started breakfast. Not only did they make some cinnmon rolls, they also started stuff for Christmas dinner. Wow, they are on a roll. Here's the menu:
Turkey, Ham, Bread Pudding, Yams, Jello, Stuffing, Deviled Eggs, Mashed Potatoes, Mixed Veggies, Cranberries, Olives, rolls, Potatoes salad, green bean salad and Gluwein.
Sound good???!! Mom and Sarah are doing a fab job getting this all together!
Can't wait to eat! I believe we are going to have a wonderful meal!!!!
HO HO HO!!!! I hope you all have a wonderful day, and get to enjoy some wonderful family time. I sure am blessed to be with mine this year. John is with his family and I am with mine.
Have a great day, try to be good!!!!


Anonymous said...

Miss you girl!! I am so happy you and Z are having a good time with your family and had a wonderful Christmas. The best gift I got for Christmas this year?? The end of the holidays....that's what!! It was great and I had a great time, but I am super happy is it over. Call me when you get back in town. We haven't hung out in forever and I miss you and Z!

Love you and miss you tons!

Sarah said...

That dinner was good wasn't it!? I think those leftovers were even better though.... :)

I cannot even express how much I miss you guys. Zoie is such a little joy and I instantly felt like someone was missing in the house when you guys left for SC. I suppose that means I'll just have to come visit ASAP - plus you forgot your present from Gloria too! We'll have to plan something soon! Love you!